libact.query_strategies.multilabel package


libact.query_strategies.multilabel.adaptive_active_learning module

Adaptive active learning

class libact.query_strategies.multilabel.adaptive_active_learning.AdaptiveActiveLearning(dataset, base_clf, betas=None, n_jobs=1, random_state=None)

Bases: libact.base.interfaces.QueryStrategy

Adaptive Active Learning

This approach combines Max Margin Uncertainty Sampling and Label Cardinality Inconsistency.

  • base_clf (ContinuousModel object instance) – The base learner for binary relavance.
  • betas (list of float, 0 <= beta <= 1, default: [0., 0.1, .., 0.9, 1.]) – List of trade-off parameter that balances the relative importance degrees of the two measures.
  • random_state ({int, np.random.RandomState instance, None}, optional (default=None)) – If int or None, random_state is passed as parameter to generate np.random.RandomState instance. if np.random.RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generate.
  • n_jobs (int, optional, default: 1) – The number of jobs to use for the computation. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used.


Here is an example of declaring a MMC query_strategy object:

from libact.query_strategies.multilabel import AdaptiveActiveLearning
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

qs = AdaptiveActiveLearning(
    dataset, # Dataset object


[R15]Li, Xin, and Yuhong Guo. “Active Learning with Multi-Label SVM Classification.” IJCAI. 2013.

Return the index of the sample to be queried and labeled. Read-only.

No modification to the internal states.

Returns:ask_id – The index of the next unlabeled sample to be queried and labeled.
Return type:int

libact.query_strategies.multilabel.binary_minimization module

Binary Minimization

class libact.query_strategies.multilabel.binary_minimization.BinaryMinimization(dataset, base_clf, random_state=None)

Bases: libact.base.interfaces.QueryStrategy

Binary Version Space Minimization (BinMin)

  • base_clf (ContinuousModel object instance) – The base learner for binary relavance.
  • random_state ({int, np.random.RandomState instance, None}, optional (default=None)) – If int or None, random_state is passed as parameter to generate np.random.RandomState instance. if np.random.RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generate.


Here is an example of declaring a BinaryMinimization query_strategy object:

from libact.query_strategies.multilabel import BinaryMinimization
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

qs = BinaryMinimization(
         dataset, # Dataset object


[R16]Brinker, Klaus. “On active learning in multi-label classification.” From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. 206-213.

Return the index of the sample to be queried and labeled. Read-only.

No modification to the internal states.

Returns:ask_id – The index of the next unlabeled sample to be queried and labeled.
Return type:int

libact.query_strategies.multilabel.maximum_margin_reduction module

Maximum loss reduction with Maximal Confidence (MMC)

class libact.query_strategies.multilabel.maximum_margin_reduction.MaximumLossReductionMaximalConfidence(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: libact.base.interfaces.QueryStrategy

Maximum loss reduction with Maximal Confidence (MMC)

This algorithm is designed to use binary relavance with SVM as base model.

  • base_learner (libact.query_strategies object instance) – The base learner for binary relavance, should support predict_proba
  • br_base (ProbabilisticModel object instance) – The base learner for the binary relevance in MMC. Should support predict_proba.
  • logreg_param (dict, optional (default={})) – Setting the parameter for the logistic regression that are used to predict the number of labels for a given feature vector. Parameter detail please refer to:
  • random_state ({int, np.random.RandomState instance, None}, optional (default=None)) – If int or None, random_state is passed as parameter to generate np.random.RandomState instance. if np.random.RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generate.

libact.models.LogisticRegression object instance – The model used to predict the number of label in each instance. Should support multi-class classification.


Here is an example of declaring a MMC query_strategy object:

from libact.query_strategies.multilabel import MMC
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

qs = MMC(
         dataset, # Dataset object


[R17]Yang, Bishan, et al. “Effective multi-label active learning for text classification.” Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM, 2009.

Return the index of the sample to be queried and labeled. Read-only.

No modification to the internal states.

Returns:ask_id – The index of the next unlabeled sample to be queried and labeled.
Return type:int

libact.query_strategies.multilabel.multilabel_with_auxiliary_learner module

Multi-label Active Learning with Auxiliary Learner

class libact.query_strategies.multilabel.multilabel_with_auxiliary_learner.MultilabelWithAuxiliaryLearner(dataset, major_learner, auxiliary_learner, criterion='hlr', b=1.0, random_state=None)

Bases: libact.base.interfaces.QueryStrategy

Multi-label Active Learning with Auxiliary Learner

  • major_learner (libact.base.interfaces.Model object instance) – The major multilabel learner. This learner should be the model to be used to solve the problem.
  • auxiliary_learner (libact.models.multilabel object instance) – The auxiliary multilabel learner. For criterion ‘shlr’ and ‘mmr’, it is required to support predict_real or predict_proba.
  • criterion (['hlr', 'shlr', 'mmr'], optional(default='hlr')) – The criterion for estimating the difference between major_learner and auxiliary_learner. hlr, hamming loss reduction shlr, soft hamming loss reduction mmr, maximum margin reduction
  • b (float) – parameter for criterion shlr. It sets the score to be clipped between [-b, b] to remove influence of extreme margin values.
  • random_state ({int, np.random.RandomState instance, None}, optional (default=None)) – If int or None, random_state is passed as parameter to generate np.random.RandomState instance. if np.random.RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generate.


Here is an example of declaring a multilabel with auxiliary learner query_strategy object:

from libact.query_strategies.multilabel import MultilabelWithAuxiliaryLearner
from libact.models.multilabel import BinaryRelevance
from libact.models import LogisticRegression, SVM

qs = MultilabelWithAuxiliaryLearner(


[R18]Hung, Chen-Wei, and Hsuan-Tien Lin. “Multi-label Active Learning with Auxiliary Learner.” ACML. 2011.

Return the index of the sample to be queried and labeled. Read-only.

No modification to the internal states.

Returns:ask_id – The index of the next unlabeled sample to be queried and labeled.
Return type:int

Module contents

Concrete query strategy classes.